Welcome back to school!
Dear parents,
I hope you are all safe and well. We’ve had amazing sunshine throughout the holidays and I hope enjoyed the long Summer break. The children return to school on Monday 5th September. We had two training days on 1st and 2nd September. Staff have been in during the holidays to prepare their classrooms ready to welcome the children on Monday.
Some staff news
Congratulations to Miss Commerford our school Special Needs Co-ordinator who got married on August 14th and will now be called Mrs Sheppard.
Ms Virdee, teacher of Crimson Class, will now be known as Mrs Pandhare.
Mrs Ashby is our new school Bursar and Business Manager.
Mr Meagher is our Site Manager and he has made sure the school is ready to receive the children.
Mrs Watson deals mainly with admissions, children’s records and general enquiries.
Mr Watson will be calling you if your child is absent and general enquiries.
Mrs Kirk (Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday) and Mrs Sprake (Monday and Friday) are the school Welfare Assistants and deal with all medical concerns and records.
Ms Lindsay is the Nursery Manager
Ms Jenkinson is the Reception Manager
Mrs Pandhare is the Year 1 Manager
Miss Clark is the Year 2 Manager
A complete list of staff will be updated on the school website.
Visiting the school / Contacting the school office
- To avoid being confused on return to school arrangements please take the time to read all the information sent to you. We are often overwhelmed with telephone calls on the first day back because parents have not read information sent to them.
- I want staff in the school office to keep the telephone lines open for real emergencies. All letters sent home are published on the school website.
- If you need to speak to Mrs Kernoghan, (Deputy Head), Mrs Kirk or Mrs Sprake (medical and welfare), the class teachers or me, then just email the school and someone from the office will get back to you as soon possible by telephone or make an appointment for you.
- Here’s the school email address:
- The school website address is:
- The school telephone number is:
0203 886 0887
You can use the school email and phone:
- to report your child absent
- to let the school know if your child has a medical appointment
- to make an appointment with the head teacher
- to report any health and safety concern
- to lodge a complaint
We are trying to be more environmentally friendly and avoid sending paper communication.
Some letters will be emailed at short notice and when urgent we will send you a text message aswell to remind you to check your emails.
If you do not have an email address then please set one up as it will make it easier to keep in touch. I will be sending out a text message to remind parents to do this.
If you have changed your contact details, then again let the school know as soon as possible.
There is also a direct email that you will be given to contact your child’s class teachers directly about non-urgent and general matters, for example if you have forgotten which day your child has PE.
Please do not use the Class Email to report your child as absent, or any medical issue as they are not monitored by the School Office and the class teacher is not likely check the emails during the day.
Update on Arrangements
Covid 19 and Variants
As the children have been absent from school for such a long time, the children are more likely to have had wider social contact than normal, travelled further and with the restrictions being completely lifted and everyone will have been exposed to less cautious behaviour.
In order to protect everyone when we return, let’s all self-regulate and remember to keep ourselves and others safe by keeping our distance.
- Children will wash their hands when they arrive at school.
Uniform / bags/ water bottles/ coats
- Children must come to school in a clean school uniform every day.
- Children should come to school in black shoes that fit them properly and NOT trainers. Do not send your children to school in boots unless it is required due to the cold weather.
- Please do not overdress your children. They just need to wear a clean vest, pants, blouse / shirt and a trouser / skirt, a school jumper / cardigan with the school logo and one pair of socks or tights. We will ask the children to remove tights/ pyjamas if they are worn under long trousers. We want children to be as comfortable as possible.
- We will send a reminder about the days your child is having PE and the information will be displayed in the class window.
- Children should come to school in their outdoor PE Kit from home; shorts, joggers, t-shirt, sweatshirt and trainers as before.
- Send your child’s black plimsoll shoes in a named plastic bag which will be kept in school. Plimsolls are available from most supermarkets locally. We want to minimise the number of things children have at school.
We will let you know if there is a change to this arrangement.
Things to remember for Monday 5th September:
- Bring all the children’s reading books back in the child’s blue reading bag.
- Wash the blue reading bag before sending it to school.
- Bring all the children’s home learning they have completed during the holiday.
- Send in any projects they have completed. We are looking forward to receiving them.
- Send in a water bottle. Label your child’s water bottle clearly with their first and surname as well as their class. Try and send in a small water bottle please. They can always refill the water bottle.
- Children will not need a coat unless the weather turns cold suddenly.
- Do not send any rucksacks into school unless they are the Grange Park rucksacks. We will ask you to take the rucksack back home if you do send it. This is because we don’t have the space to hang the huge bags we often get from home.
- Please do not send pencils, rubbers, sharpeners or pencil cases. The children have everything they need to complete their work at school.
- Impress on the children that we wear our school uniform proudly.
- Long hair must be tied up securely, with instructions to your child not to take it out.
- No fancy hair clips or hair bands. A simple black or blue hair band is permitted.
- Head scarves should be royal blue, black or white.
- No long earrings, only studs; no other jewellery
- No nail varnish.
- Girls should wear grey tights and white socks. Boys should wear grey or black socks.
- Please send in a box of tissues at the beginning of every term.
Birthday celebrations
- We will acknowledge your child’s birthday in class but please do not bring any party bags, sweets or cakes to give out to your child’s class as many children have allergies. This includes giving sweets and cakes outside the classroom.
- All children will have a school lunch. If your child has a medically recognised allergy then please email the school and we will arrange a meeting with Mrs Kirk or Mrs Sprake. You will need evidence of your child’s diagnosis from the hospital or your doctor. Also let your child’s teacher know as soon as possible.
- Please help your child choose their lunch for each day, the menu is on the school website and displayed on the class window.
I hope you are all having a restful weekend with family and friends and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday. Please check the start and finish times at the end of this letter.
Kind regards and best wishes
Kiran Thapar
Head Teacher
Please DO NOT ARRIVE TOO EARLY OR TOO LATE. Please come just on time. We have a very tight timetable so please do not be late as the children start their Read Write Inc groups at 9.00 am.
Try to walk to school or park your car well away from the school where you are more likely to find a parking space if you have to drive. It is better for the environment and everyone’s health if you can walk to school.
8.30 am – 11.30 am
12.30pm – 3.30pm
School starts:
Home time