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Grange Park Infant and Nursery School

Working Together

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Computing has long been seen as central to our curriculum, both in terms of developing computer skills and using technology to enrich almost every area of the curriculum.


We have focussed resources in order to ensure the children have access to as wide a range of appropriate equipment as possible, such as:


  • a suite of Chromebook devices to weave computing in other areas of the curriculum
  • an interactive whiteboard or display, installed in every classroom
  • an IT Suite allowing focused, whole-class teaching of computing
  • an iPad for each class to further enhance the children's learning


The school is fully networked and children have supervised access to the Internet, with appropriate filtering and protection. A comprehensive E-Safety programme is delivered to the children each year and on admission.


We continue to use a comprehensive range of software and services to support learning and raise standards across the curriculum, including Purple Mash, Discovery Espresso, Read Write Inc. Phonics eBooks and Google Classroom. These resources also enable children to continue and enhance their learning at home.