Places are available in our Nursery - to apply, contact the School Office at, call on 0203 886 0887 or complete the attached Google Form
We will reduce our Published Admissions Number (PAN) from 120 to 90 places from September 2024. More information here
We would like to thank you and your child for considering applying for a place at Grange Park Infant & Nursery School.
Grange Park Infant & Nursery School is a Foundation School and controls its own admission criteria. The London Borough of Hillingdon allocate Reception places using the school’s admission criteria.
There are 120 places available in each year group including Nursery.
Applying for a place in the Nursery
If you would like your child to attend the Nursery, please let the school know by contacting or visiting the School Office and putting your child on our Nursery waiting list.
We accept children from the September after they turn three years old, and also have a January intake for those children born between September & December in that group.
When your child is old enough we will invite you and your child to visit the Nursery where they will meet the teachers and their new friends before they start school.
Moving from Nursery to Reception in September
The London Borough of Hillingdon controls applications for Reception places, so please apply using the London Borough of Hillingdon’s online e-Admissions service, or alternatively you can call the Schools Admissions Team on 01895 556644.
Applying for a place during the school year (school transfer)
If you would like to transfer schools during the school year, or if you have recently moved to the London Borough of Hillingdon and would like to apply for a place at Grange Park Infant School, you can either:
- apply to the school directly by completing the attached Google Form:
Grange Park Infant School Application Form - Google Forms
or contacting or visiting the School Office
- to the London Borough of Hillingdon, noting a preference for this school. You can apply to the Local Authority by filling out the online In-Year Application Form, by visiting the Civic Centre at Uxbridge, or by calling the Schools Admissions Team on 01895 556644.
If a place is available in the correct year group, you will receive an offer for your child to join the school.
When an offer is made, we will send home an admission pack with forms that you will need to return. We will arrange a date and time for you to visit the school with your child and meet the Head Teacher and your child’s new class – we are pleased to answer any questions you may have. Afterwards, your child will start on the date that has been arranged with you.
If there are no places available your child’s name will be placed on our waiting list. We will then notify you if your child reaches the top of the list and a place becomes available, but generally we would not be able to let you know how long your child may have to wait.
When a place becomes available, it is offered according to the following criteria:
- ‘Looked After Children’ or those in public care, and children who were previously looked after but immediately afterwards became the subject of an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.
- Children with a long term medical or psychological condition which means they must attend Grange Park Infant & Nursery School rather than an alternative school.
- A member of immediate family with a long term medical or psychological condition which means the child must attend Grange Park Infant & Nursery School rather than an alternative school.
- Children with a sibling living in the same household who currently attend Grange Park Infant School full-time (not the Nursery) or Grange Park Junior School, and who will continue to do so on the date of admission.
- Children of Staff who have been employed by Grange Park Infant & Nursery School for at least 2 years at the time of application, or where the staff member has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
- Distance from School to Home. Distance will be measured in a straight line from points set by the Ordnance Survey at the child’s home address and Grange Park Infant and Grange Park Junior School using a computerised mapping system.
Starting school?
If your child is starting at the schoolsoon, why not check these pages for day-to-day information? We hope they will be useful to you.
If you have moved to the UK from Ukraine, you might find this guide helpful. Annex A has more details about the schools admissions process.