Lunch Menu
Spring 2025 Menu
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are offered a free, healthy school lunch every day.
This can be selected by parents / carers using the following Google Form
Spring School Lunch Selection - Google Forms
Our School Cook and her team work hard to serve the children tasty, nutritionally-balanced school meals, and their work has been confirmed by the Mayor of London's Healthy Schools Team, who awarded the school a Silver Award for our commitment to healthy lifestyles.
Our school menu aims to help children explore new tastes and develop a varied diet, while still offering meals familiar to them. We appreciate your support and co-operation in encouraging your child to try something new.
Our kitchen has continuously maintained 5 out of 5 in the 'Scores on the Doors' food hygiene programme.
A selection of fresh fruit, flavoured yoghurt, bread, milk and water is available with each meal. Children can also choose from a wide range of fresh salad items which are available every day from our Salad Bar.
Please can all parents / carers pre-select their child's school lunch choices by completing the following Google Form - Spring School Lunch Selection - Google Forms