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Grange Park Infant and Nursery School

Working Together

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We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our pupils, and the safety and protection of children is our primary concern.


Safeguarding is about:

  • protecting children from mistreatment in its many forms
  • making sure that children’s health and development is not harmed
  • making sure that children grow up in a safe and happy environment
  • taking action to make sure that every child benefits from the best care possible.


The Head Teacher, Mrs Diana Jelavic-Wade, is the ‘Designated Safeguarding Lead’ for Grange Park Infant & Nursery School. She is the person to contact if you have any worries about the safety of a child at the school. You can call the school to speak with her or visit the school. She will co-ordinate any help needed, and continue to update you about the case.


Lorraine Plummer-Walrond is the Governor responsible for Safeguarding and Child Protection.


Our approach to child safeguarding


In consultation with the DfE’s guidance and direction on safeguarding, especially the documents ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children‘ and ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education‘ the school has a comprehensive plan in place to safeguard and promote children’s welfare. It involves:


  • creating a positive school atmosphere through our teaching and learning
  • ensuring all important information, messages and concerns are passed along to the Designated Safeguarding Lead as quickly as possible
  • keeping up-to-date with the latest safeguarding practices and procedures
  • providing support and care for both pupils and staff
  • ensuring children know what to do and who to talk to if they are scared, unhappy or feel worried
  • regular and training for all school staff
  • undertaking DBS Disclosure security checks for all staff, visitors and volunteers working with children and those serving on our Governing Body, and making sure visitors and contractors have a valid DBS Disclosure certificate before beginning their work or visit
  • maintaining and reviewing appropriate site security measures, such as CCTV and access control.


Visit our Policies page to view our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy.

Reporting concerns about the safety of a child


If the child is in immediate danger or needs medical attention, call 999 as soon as you can.


If you are worried a child has been abused or is at risk:

  • talk to them, listen calmly, don’t get angry, reassure them that it’s not their fault and encourage them to tell you what’s happened
  • for further advice and guidance, and to report the matter contact Hillingdon Stronger Families Hub on 01895 556006.


If you are worried a child has experienced online abuse or grooming, you can visit CEOP’s Safety Centre to make a report to the Police in confidence. A Child Protection Advisor from CEOP will make sure the child is safe, and will discuss with you what will happen next.


Safety online


Grange Park Infant & Nursery are committed to using the Internet to help enrich children’s education, but also have a duty to keep children safe from threats online. Visit our E-Safety page at the link below for more information and some useful links for parents and children.

Operation Encompass


Grange Park Infant & Nursery School are proud to
take part in Operation Encompass. It is a system that
alerts our Designated Safeguarding Lead if the police
find that a child has been exposed to, or involved in,
a domestic incident. The school can then use that
information to ensure thesafety and wellbeing of that child.