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Grange Park Infant and Nursery School

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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional funding given to the school from the Government which helps raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the ‘attainment gap’ between them and their peers.


Grange Park Infant & Nursery School is fully committed to ensuring that every child receives the very best education and that all pupils reach their full potential in a safe, secure, welcoming and nurturing school environment where everyone is valued equally. We also understand that some children may have factors in their lives that can affect their progress at school.


Therefore we intend to use our Pupil Premium funding to offer ‘targeted interventions’ – additional support and resources which will help disadvantaged pupils match the attainment of their peers. You can see how effective these interventions have been (and see how we plan to continue this work) below.

Applying for the Pupil Premium grant


Pupil Premium provides extra funding for the school. If your child is eligible but you do not wish to take up your entitlement, please still make your application as this supports the school.


You can apply for the Pupil Premium grant by filling out the form at the link below, saving it and sending it back to us by email. If you have difficulty completing the form, you are welcome to visit the School Office who can help you.

Parents are invited to complete a Pupil Premium application form when they join the school to check for eligibility.


If your circumstances have changed and you think you may be eligible, please contact the School Office and they will check eligibility again.


Children whose parents and carers receive the following benefits are entitled to the Pupil Premium grant:

  • Income Support

  • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance

  • Child Tax Credit – with an income under £16,190 (from 6/4/10)

  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance

  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit

  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.


Please note that if you also receive Working Tax Credit then you do not qualify (unless you are receiving Working Tax Credit run-on after it has been stopped).


Your child is also entitled to the Pupil Premium Grant if:

  • they have ever been/currently are Looked After Children (in care)

  • they are adopted

  • you or your partner have ever been/are currently in the armed forces.

Last year's progress (2022-23)

For the last academic year, we received £67,241 in Pupil Premium funding, with an additional £1,700 from the Recovery Premium. We:


  • Purchased Read Write Inc. training and resources, to raise standards in reading and writing for disadvantaged children, and the White Rose Maths scheme of work to enhance teaching of mathematics
  • Joined the Primary Maths Hub Network to improve attainment in mathematics for disadvantaged children
  • Set up additional phonics sessions targeted at disadvantaged pupils who require further support
  • Participated in the Hillingdon Communication and Language Project
  • Offered individual support and monitoring for children with special educational needs who are also eligible for Pupil Premium
  • Provided funded Breakfast Club places, free to parents, supporting children with additional reading time and ensuring attendance for children with a low attendance rate (90% or less).


You can view our report for last year's progress below.

Plan for this year (2023-24)

This year, we have received £69,715, with an additional £5,148 from the Recovery Premium. We intend to use the funding to continue interventions and schemes from last year, building on the good outcomes that the children achieved.


The Deputy Head Teacher maintains an overview of Pupil Premium Grant spending, and the school monitors how well these interventions are working by holding regular pupil progress meetings, checking assessments, and using a tracking system to analyse performance data.


We will judge that these interventions are working by:

  • a higher percentage of pupils achieving the Expected level in reading, writing and mathematics at the end of Key Stage 1, and attainment is raised in speaking and listening across the school
  • pupil and parent surveys showing that children and parents feel supported
  • a marked improvement in attendance for disadvantaged children