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Grange Park Infant and Nursery School

Working Together

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Reception & Year 1 Disco

We are very excited to announce that we will be having a Disco Night for Reception and Year 1 on Friday 7th February.  Tickets will be £3 payable to your class teacher by Wednesday 5th February in an envelope with your child’s name and class.  Please note, we are unable to give change so please make sure you have the correct money.


There will be snacks and drinks on offer.  The event will happen straight after school and will finish at 4.45pm.  Children can be collected via the Balmoral Drive entrance outside of the Reception classrooms.


In order to secure a place, please complete the following Google Form.

Reception & Year 1 Disco Night - Google Forms


Posters will also be displayed outside of classrooms with the scannable QR code