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Grange Park Infant and Nursery School

Working Together

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Reception Popcorn & Movie Night

We are very excited to announce that we are having a 'Popcorn and Movie' night next Friday 18th October for all Reception children in the Main School Hall.

The cost will be £3 (payable on the day). We will be showing a 'U' rated movie (U certificate means it’s suitable for children aged 4 and older) and the children will be able to enjoy some popcorn and either a hot chocolate or juice.

Children will go straight from their classrooms to the event and parents / carers will need to pick up at 5pm in the Reception playground. The gate on Balmoral Drive will open just before 5pm.

In order to secure a place, please can you complete the Google form below by Wednesday 16th October

Popcorn & Movie Night - Google Forms
Many thanks, Grange Park Infant & Nursery School